CrossFit Classes
Our classes are COACH LED with every workout taught, demonstrated, and coached throughout the class. We INDIVIDUALIZE every workout for each person’s specific needs and abilities. We have a thriving COMMUNITY people to share your journey with.

Personal Training
We offer Personal Training for those wanting an individualized program. The history, health, and goals of every person will vary and some people find that having their “own hour” with a coach much better suits their pace and preference.

Athleo Barbell Club
Athleo Barbell Club is East Texas’ first USA Weightlifting Club. Our focus is not only on how much weight our athletes can lift, but also how they are lifting it because we believe that proper progression and movement is necessary for long-term growth.
Want to find out more? Drop by one of our classes - your first time is free.
If you are a CrossFit veteran looking for expert coaches to stretch and challenge you or if you're looking for a community to inspire and encourage you then drop by and meet our trainers and members.
Rose City Ruckus
Interested in Rose City Ruckus? Find out more details by clicking on this button.
You would be hard pressed to leave a workout without feeling stronger and more motivated to live your best life.
My body started to change and I began to fall in love with the new healthier and stronger me!
I rebuilt not only my physical health, but my mental and spiritual health as well.
I am down 20 lbs, WOO-HOO!
I am doing things that I never imagine. THANK YOU PREMIER!
They will start you where you are and then make you better.
Thank you Premier, for giving me a second chance
9 Common Misconceptions About Health and Fitness
April 10, 2019

By: Coach Maranatha Chapman Recently, I asked my coaches about the most common misconceptions that they have come across when it comes to the subject of working out and the quest to be healthy and fit. Their answers illuminated several common misconceptions that people tend to buy into. If believed, these things will only derail our fitness and goals. False beliefs can sabotage our growth in an instant if we aren’t mindful of it. Here are 9 Common Misconceptions About [read more]